Importance of making a plan

Making a plan will enable you to put yourself in a better position and be able to navigate through life and end up where you want to be! For us thats homesteading on our property. 

4 years ago I had an anxiety/panic attack, so I went to a therapist and realized my life was out of control. I was drinking excessively, spending money I didn’t have on things I didn’t need, living with roommates I couldn’t stand, and was working a job I didn’t even like in a city that I didn’t want to live in. The therapist basically told me that I should get some direction in my life.

So I went on YouTube and started watching videos from successful people like Dan Pena who all said they have a plan for their life. The one that stuck with me the most was a guy who mentioned having a 5 year plan. After some thinking and research I wrote down a 5 year plan and some goals, and that helped me regain control of my life and I luckily haven’t had that problem since. 

Over the last two years since I’ve started making plans and chipping away at them I’ve been able to pay off over $50,000 in debt by selling lots of unnecessary things (and also falling back by buying newer dumber shit, but still putting my best foot forward and continuing on that path) I drink significantly less, change my living situation and outlook on life and my future just by making some plans and always having them to look at whenever things got hard or I was faced with options that are conflicting to my end goals. 

I only have one more bill to pay off before we move in 4 weeks. If you told me that is were I would be one year ago I would think you are crazy. But hear I am. Living proof that having a plan works, even if it takes a few times to get it rite.  

Without having my 5 year plan and being completely honest with myself about what I truly wanted in life id still be lost and living the life I was 2 years ago. But instead me and my fiancé own 60 acres and I’m almost debt free!